As a partner with an absolute focus on problem solving,
customer satisfaction and reliability, we bundle
the topics highly available database and middleware infrastructures,
24×7 managed service operations, hardware and software consulting
and sales, as well as the development of custom software applications.
This full-service allows us to develop, implement and maintain the right approaches for our customers.
We have been active in the database field in the Austrian market for over 22 years. Our expertise has been verified by Oracle in numerous categories and confirmed with various awards, including "Specialized Partner".
Our long list of references is a testament to the great satisfaction of our customers.
Many of them have been relying on us as a reliable partner for many years, not only in the Oracle environment.
We are not only “certified” but also enthusiastic experts who think and act holistically, looking beyond the obvious.
Maria DB
Mongo DB
Deep Instinct
Our horizon does not end with the database. We think holistically and take over all important topics related to databases from A to Z. We are looking for simple and holistic solutions so that our customers can maximize their potential for success.
We accompany the database in all phases and all areas of topics – no matter which topic is currently of particular importance to the customer.
DBConcepts - The database experts
DBConcepts - The database experts
Do you have any questions about our offers or services?
Would you like to apply to us?
Are you looking for a dialogue with us?
Then please write to us via our contact form. We are happy to hear from them!
Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unserem Unternehmen. Derzeit suchen wir niemanden für diese Stelle. Aber wir sind immer an talentierten Menschen interessiert und freuen uns von Ihnen zu hören! Schicken Sie uns einfach Ihren Lebenslauf und eine kurze Nachricht und schreiben Sie an welcher Stelle Sie interessiert sind: recruitment@dbconcepts.com. Wir freuen usn von Ihnen zu hören!